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If you’re looking to launch your project and you need content or an editor, let’s go. The World Awaits Write Now.

I successfully completed over fifty projects within a range of genres:

Fiction: crime, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, techno thriller, YA, adventure mystery, organized crime, romance, history, historical fiction, speculative/alternate futurism, psychological thriller, political thriller, suspense thriller, crime thriller, legal thriller.

Non-Fiction: current/political events non-fiction, leadership and motivation, business, self-help

Depending on the need, I bring my experience and versatility to various genres of work in fiction, nonfiction, niche ebooks, blog posts, presentation materials or serve your needs as an editor, writer or project partner combining our skills. If you are looking for someone who reflects your style and conveys your ideas in the best way possible, grab a chair and let’s brainstorm to reach a successful outcome! With over 15 years experience as an editor and writer, I add experience in customer satisfaction surveying making customer satisfaction a high priority for me! I understand knowing your audience. I believe in win-win experiences that include rigor and excellence.

As you are about to see from the projects that I have listed on these pages, I have a wide-range of genres that I have worked in. If I were to suggest which genres I specialize in, I would say that I have the most experience editing in fictionalized and non-fiction books focused on political and current events, closely followed by suspense and thriller novels and leadership books. Since I have ghost-written several books in romance and history genres, I would be a great editor on your project since I study and have experience in both.

I have ghost-edited:

📚 several religiously-themed books by highly-acclaimed pastors and religious leaders

📚 a leadership book by an internationally recognized leader in the field of international conflict resolution

📚 a relationship book that sheds light on lessons from the movies about love by a well-regarded highly-acclaimed marriage and family therapist

📚 a techno thriller by a praised sci-fi author

📚 an international suspense novel set in war-torn Iraq by a former military official

📚 a coming-of-age redemption suspense about growing into manhood in the inner city and gang life by a well-received spiritual fiction writer

If you are looking to hire an editor, I hold myself to a very high standard. My experience as a writer and ghostwriter lends a great deal of expertise and experience to you. I love working on storytelling, looking at every aspect of the story to help you achieve something that is absolutely YOU.

Just so you have a sense of my ghostwriting projects, they include:

📚 a cowboy romance novella series for a romance author

📚 a sorceress romance crime novella for a romance author

📚 two well-known fairy tales rewritten with a romantic twist for a romance author

📚 a BWWM rock star romance for a romance author

📚 eight history books on various civilizations and empires for a couple history authors

📚 three biographies for a history author

📚 a business novel about a clothing manufacturer in the ASEAN market to solve today’s business and economic crisis issues for a successful corporate businessman

📚 a self-help book on tinnitus by an internationally-recognized doctor

Click on the writing or editing portfolios for more details…

Why Am I Interested in Writing, Editing, Writers and the Written Word?

Whether it’s a book exploring an ancient civilization and how a reader can relate to their ancient practices, rituals, conflicts and joys or it’s a blog letting people know how to fill out complicated paperwork, I am inspired. I’ve been that way since I was a kid. Essays never bothered me and I loved being a part of a book of the month club. One of my favorite moments growing up was when I picked up Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and found myself fascinated with the enormous thing that was “infinitely larger and more rapid in its movements than a whale.”

Or when I flipped through the pages of my mother’s women’s magazines and read about the newest trends for women to consider and how to stay fashionable. I’d practice the moves in the mirror and would laugh to myself years later when the fashions had changed and I had to replace earlier tips with this season’s possibilities.

It wasn’t long before I found myself picking up any book to start reading it, seeing if it would take me far, far away from the dust bunnies, velour curtains and the monotony of city traffic and endlessly feeling like I had to apply a poker face.

So many of us who got lost in our imaginations and in the expressions of writers developed a poker face at a young age, and I admit it. It was never really captured in the photo albums, but inevitably, despite not having tons of pictures of myself with a distant gaze thankfully, I often had something else on my mind. I can think of a place where I was in school, with friends or family and remember what was on my mind more than what was happening around me. It’s my own private museum of thoughts. Fun!

Growing up, I was usually more curious about what was around the next bend than any other social obligation. I was always thinking of a character in a book, an article I just read, a new hobby or imagining what it was like to be any number of people I had read about in the news, books or magazines. This habit filtered into my educational and professional life later.

It’s this desire to learn, imagine and expand on a thought or an idea that I bring into my profession and my promise to you. Your story and your project are unique, and this is infinitely crucial to me in my writing approach. It explains why I have been writing fiction and non-fiction books for several years. Many of those books I was hired to write as a ghostwriter.

Every world that I try to describe requires research and imagination. Every single character or group of people I think of must penetrate the fog of thoughts, concerns and expectations of a reader’s mind. The subject must captivate me before I begin. In gaining an understanding of what makes a subject fascinating–be it a historical figure for a biography or an overview of a lost civilization–I familiarize myself with the topic and immerse myself.

In the pursuit of my lifelong journey of learning, I have successfully completed nearly fifty writing and editing projects for clients. Depending on the need, I bring my versatility to write blog posts, fiction, ebooks, presentation materials or serve your needs as an editor.

Thank you for your interest,